Small Sculpture

Abortifacient Installation. 2024. Ceramic and Watercolor, paper, hand dyed fabric and with laser cut, silkscreen.
Abortifacient detail, Herb Plate. 2023. Ceramic and watercolor. 8 inches.
Abortifacient Detail, Tea Bags. 2023. Ceramic, silkscreen, watercolor, thread. 2×2 inches each.
Abortifacient Detail, Tea Bags and tea box. 2023/2024. Ceramic, silkscreen, watercolor, thread, paper.
Decorative Object, #1, #2 and #3, 2020. Ceramic and acrylic paint.
Decorative Object #1, 2020. Ceramic and acrylic paint. 3 x 2 x 2 inches.
Decorative Object #2, 2020. Ceramic and acrylic paint. 3 x 1 x 1 inches.
Decorative Object #3, 2020. Ceramic and acrylic paint. 1 x 4 x 2 inches.
Decorative Object #4. 2020. Ceramic and acrylic paint. 3 x 4 x 2 inches.
Decorative Object #4. 2020. Ceramic and acrylic paint. 3 x 4 x 2 inches.
Decorative Object #5. 2020. Ceramic and acrylic paint. 3 x 4 x 2 inches.
Decorative Object #6, 2020. Ceramic and acrylic paint. 2 x 4 x 2 inches.
Decorative Object #6, 2020. Ceramic and acrylic paint. 2 x 4 x 2 inches.
Decorative Object #7, 2020. Ceramic and acrylic paint. 4 x 41 x 1 inches.
Decorative Object, #8. 2020. Ceramic and acrylic paint.
Sleeping with Covid-19. Ceramic with acrylic paint. 3 x 3 x 2 inches.
Anatomy. 2020. Ceramic, acrylic paint, felt, thread, cough drop wrapper, pepcid cotton, tampon cotton. 4 x 3 x 2 inches.
Anatomy. 2020. Ceramic, acrylic paint, felt, thread, cough drop wrapper, pepcid cotton, tampon cotton. 4 x 3 x 2 inches.
Feed Me. 2020. Ceramic and acrylic paint. 5 x 15 x 8 inches
Feed Me. 2020. Ceramic and acrylic paint. 5 x 15 x 8 inches
I Will Not Binge Today. 2020. Natural Food Dyed Cotton and Silk Fabric, Fiber Fill, and Thread. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 x 2 1/2 inches.
I Will Not Binge Today. 2020. Natural Food Dyed Cotton and Silk Fabric, Fiber Fill, and Thread. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 x 2 1/2 inches.
It’s Vegan. 2020. Hand dyed natural fabric and roving with embroidery. 5 x 4 x 4 inches.
Let me Eat Cake. 2020. Natural Food Dyed Cotton Fabric and Roving, Cardboard, fiber fill and thread. 3 x 6 x 4 inches.
Ode to My Hair. 2020. Turmeric Dyed Wool, Human Hair, Yarn, and Bamboo. 15 x 8 inches.
Apple Pie. 2019. Ceramic and Glaze. 3 x 2 x 2 inches
Peach, Cookie, and Cherry. 2019. Ceramic and Glaze. 3 x 2 x 2 inches each
Flower and Bunny Tail. 2019. Ceramic and Glaze. 3 x 2 x 2 inches
Love Button. 2019. Ceramic and Glaze. 3 x 2 x 2 inches
Snake Charmer. 2019. Ceramic and Glaze. 3 x 5 x 3 inches